Brotherhood of Freaks
The Brotherhood of Freaks plays the music of the Chris Robinson Brotherhood. If you know the music of CRB, you’ll be stoked to hear it played live again by musicians who love playing these songs. If you’ve never heard CRB, it’s just great danceable music in the vein of the Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, the American rock & roll catalog, and good ol’ psychedelic music. CRB disbanded after the tragic passing of Neal Casal in 2019. Brotherhood of Freaks was formed to keep that treasure trove of musical bliss alive and rockin’. Based in Santa Cruz County, Brotherhood of Freaks are Steve Sofranko (China Cats, Stu Allen & Mars Hotel) on keyboards and vocals, Mike Cross on vocals and rhythm guitar, Mike Johnson (Cosmic Pinball, Kava Jah) on lead guitar, Paul Garcia (Puffball Collective, Slugs & Roses) on drums, and Kyle Gorath (Velour) on bass. Embracing the CRB catalog, the band lovingly plays for your listening and dancing pleasure! "Let the [music of] CRB set you free!"