Safeway, Proud Presenting Sponsor of the Pumpkin Festival Since 1990!
On the way to the Pumpkin Festival, stop by your local Safeway for fresh cut fruit, snacks for the road, sunscreen, and more. We've got everything you need so you can enjoy a fun-filled weekend of festivities!
While at the festival, come visit our booth and enjoy all the fun activities we’ll be offering:
Explore our new booth.
- Pick up free products, coupons and much more!
- Take a picture with our 1948 Farmers Truck!
On Saturday, your local Safeway Team will be handing out treats while walking in the parade at 12 noon!
We're also sponsoring the Safeway World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off on Monday, October 13th. The winner will be at the festival, so you can view and get your picture taken with this amazing gourd.
Safeway is proud to have served as the Half Moon Bay Art & Pumpkin Festival Presenting Sponsor for the last 35 years!
We thank you for coming out to join the fun!